- Ceteris Paribus (hukum)
- Primordialisme
- Pembeli Marginal dan Sub Marginal
walaupun rada gampang, tapi gw ada yang nembak juga. tadi tuh ada soal..
atom x memiliki 10 neutron dan bermasa 19. dalam tabel periodik, atom x ini adalah..
mampus gw. apaan coba bahaha. akhirnya gw nge-Tang-Ting-Tung. gw hanya berucap dalam hati 'tang ting tung yang mana yang dipilih sama Tuhan Yesus' dan berakhir pada pilihan D = Flour. akhirnya.. diiringi lagu Speak Of The Devil-nya SUM41, gw memilih D. pas nyampe rumah gw liat tabel periodik dan tau apa yang ku temukaan? MIRACLE kids, and it happened. jawaban gw BETUL yihaaaaaa langsung lepas baju ngiterin perumahan. gile, prasaan gw gak secabul itu. oiya, gw banyak ngeliat temen-temen sepermainan gundu dulu.. ada Octa, Fadly, Bimo, Zaky, Echa, dkk. gw sempet mengabadikan SMANSA loh. and here go
Lapangan Basket
betewe, ef-wai-ai, besok pengumuman lolos apa kagaknya nih aah stres deh ah sembelit gw kambuh. keluarga, sanak-saudara, handai-taulan beserta kru 'adu panco' yang bertugas udah ngasi dukungan ke gw. ah tetep aje, pasti gak dapet dah haha padahal gw ngareep banggets, yang penting udah ngasih yang terbaek ajee yegak? iyee aje ude repot
Eh iya, gw ada cerita. dan ini nyata. bukan fiksi karna gw gak pinter ngarang hohoo siape peduli man. kam en si..
He began this test by said, 'choose a leader please'. but noone answer him. It seems that we all deaf. 'come on, choose a leader of all'. and after a couple minute, a girl who sit on the back lead us to pray and say greeting. then he said, 'if you wanna be students here, you have to use English in your daily life. you must increase it. because this is SBI'. we all just can take a look at him without saying anything. we're too nervous, I think, well thats all what I feel about. then he gave us the papers test while we were waiting for the next surprise in those papers. last, he finished the begining by said, 'be honest please'. and all of us started to fill the papers and hope there's no surprise. not too big precisely.
eh yang 'he' disitu emang ngomong bahasa Inggris tadi huuh menyebalkan. sok sekali. berarti gw juga sok dong? wahahahaha pe kate lu dah. yang penting gak ngerasa rugi udah berkunjung kesini hehehehehaha. BYE and GoodNite
P.S : tumben-tumbenan ngepost ampe malem ehe -_-
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